Do you live for tomorrow or do you live for today?
Research I've done suggests the population is relatively split on this idea - half living for today and the other half, for tomorrow. There's also some correlation with age - the younger of us are living for today, whilst the elder are the planners of the world. Okay, so that doesn't surprise me.
Living for today
The people in Tomorrowland often construe this to mean being incredibly unhealthy: Oh no!
Screw all the drugged up people shouting 'YOLO' before they take the next shot, say fuck you to the posh idiots saying 'Carpe Diem!' before they down a bottle of Grey Goose Vodka.
They give living for today a bad name - so what gives it a good name you ask?
Well someone told me recently something that changed my opinion of the whole cliche, they told me that you should plan for tomorrow - but don't live in worry of what's to come, enjoy what you're doing now and make the most of the moments you have now. Because tomorrow is never promised.
Living for today helps to remove stresses and complications that may come with tomorrow, it can create the best memories to look back on tomorrow.
Living for Tomorrow
No, no, no - stop it with the lists please, and do not tell me that by drinking this single vodka coke will only increase my chances of developing liver cancer in my later years. Say that and I will gladly introduce you to my middle finger.
Saying that, I can't stress enough how much living for tomorrow can really benefit you. Here's how:
Living for today all the time, as though tomorrow may never come - will more often than not lead to regrets when it comes to that tomorrow.
Saving money, investing, pensions, pro-health decisions - these are all ways in which people live for tomorrow, and if you tell me you haven't done one of them then you're either lying to me or you're fucked for the future.
But in reality things are never that simple
Who really sticks to one of those options? Who even wants to? When the best option if right here in front of you:
Learn from Yesterday
Live today
Save and plan for tomorrow
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