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Man Repeller X Superga makes me superGAGA

Firstly I'd like to apologise for not writing in ages, I have several reasons which I will not bore you with - travelling and uni. There we go, nice and quick - because I know you don't really care about that kinda stuff. I know I wouldn't.

Secondly, holy mother of Superga - Leandra Medine (AKA Man Repeller) has teamed up with the brand of trainers that turns laces into something sexual - Superga.

If you'd rather hear/read about it from the woman herself, (which I personally recommend) then head straight there and leave me here (no hard feelings) -

If for some reason you're still reading this - thank you, maybe you've found me kind of funny - my modesty slightly endearing? Well that crap is over now - we're getting down to the gritty. CLICK BELOW

For some people it's Einstein, for others it may be Paul McCartney, Hilary Clinton, Karl Lagerfeld, hell maybe even Messi (I doubt there are any 10 year old boys but if there are this one's for you!). For me though, the person who has influenced me the most over the last few years has to be Leandra -to start she's fucking hilarious, and secondly she recently helped me get through an interview. When asked of the three people I'd take to a dinner party I replied with Leandra, Nigella Lawson and Bob Marley. Bloody great dinner party I know.

So you can imagine my reaction when I discovered she's teamed up with the laced clad GIANTS I had a slight fashiongasm.

So What has she done to give her own MR stamp on these sexy plimsoles?

- The touch friendly, eye pleasing, face-stroking, and general sleeping with material that is velvet. Yes you scream. Okay not scream, don't scream - people might actually think you're having an orgasm.
- Oh and tweed.

View more of the collection below, and ladies, try to contain yourselves.

The best bloody thing about it all is how perfect it is - no really. I was waiting for a collaboration like this with MR X RANDOM BRAND. But trainers, the comfiest of them all I mean who really wants to wear heels when you can wear flats and still look as good? No one and especially not Leandra.

So head to Superga, and you'll find yourself £80-£103 less well off - but feeling like a million dollars (and that's all that matters right?)

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